Ahora que trabajo en una empresa de tamaño modesto,
he notado una gran diferencia en como estas empresas tratan de hacer del
ambiente de trabajo algo mas grato para el empleado. El departamento de recursos
humanos siempre esta ideando eventos y actividades para fomentar la camadaderia
y la socializacion entre empleados: cosas como cervezas en los últimos 15
minutos de cada viernes, fiesta en las ultimas 2 horas del primer viernes de
cada mes, equipo de basketball, equipo de dodgeball, competencias de pasos, etc
son cosas que hacen que trabajar no se sienta tanto como un lugar donde tienes
que trabajar, sino, como un lugar donde vas a echar cuento y a pasar el tiempo.
Algo, así como el colegio donde ibas todos los días a echar cuento, jugar
deportes y a hablar con chicas y el único precio que tenias que pagar era
entrar a clases y estudiar para examenes. Era un precio alto, no lo niego, pero
la mayoría de las cosas buenas de la vida son así.
La ultima iniciativa fue adquirir una mesa de ping
pong y para inaugurarla querían organizar un torneo. Yo estaba super
emocionado, ya que en el colegio yo me la pasaba jugando en las mesas de ping
pong. Incluso recuerdo que 2 veces me expulsaron temporalmente del colegio
porque me jubilaba de clases para jugar ping pong. O, quizás, fue la primera
vez por jugar ping pong y la segunda por jugar ajedrez? Si, creo que fue así
porque no creo que fuera tan brutico en aquel tiempo como para dejarme expulsar
2 veces por la misma razón.
En una clara demonstracion de mal juicio, el
departamento de recursos humanos, me pregunto si me quería encargar de
organizar el torneo. Al principio tenia dudas de aceptar. Tenia pocos meses en
el trabajo, no me sabia los nombres del 90% de mis colegas y no me sentía con
suficiente confianza como para encargarme de eso. Además, que como nuevo empleado
nadie me conocía bastante bien y todos me trataban muy profesional y con mucho
respeto y no quería perder eso tan rápido. Pero la chica de HR me insistió: me
dijo que no tenia que ser algo muy formal y que lo organizara como yo creyera
mas conveniente y que simplemente me divirtiera mientras lo hacia
Y si que me divertí! Aquí le dejo algunos de los
emails que mande durante el proceso. Desafortunadamente no los pude encontrar
todos, pero algo es algo, y creo que son suficiente para pintar una imagen del
Este es el primer email que envié para ver quienes
se interesaban en participar.
From: Gian Puma
Hi Everyone
We are very pleased to announce that
the Prestigious Minter Ellison Ping Pong Grand Slam Tournament is about to
This prestigious event is reserved
for the most talented table tennis players around the world; however, for the
first time in its entire history, the Minter Ellison Ping Pong Tournament will
be open to ALL Minter Ellison employees.
This is a fantastic opportunity for
you to become a part of history, and join a long list of players who have
endured the physical and mental hardships that this tournament imposes on its
competitors. Only those who have shown resilience, endurance, genius level
intelligence, leadership, caring, Hollywood good looks, treat their pets right
and have consistently shown a good hair do during the 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s,
have been able to win it all in the past, so join today and be the tournament
first champion.
But that’s not all. Also, for limited
time, we have reduced the entry fee in an amazing 250.72%. So, only for the
next 15 minutes after you read this, the entry fee will be reduced to only
$9.99 and, as if that were not enough, the first "x" people to sign
up will receive a nice card or something.
So Hurry up! And take advantage of
this amazing offer!!! Joining is easy, just email the Royal
Organizing Committee (this email's sender) expressing your interest and we'll
contact you with the tournament details.
Tournament Rules (boring stuff! – No
need to read past this point really)
- Players are required to make
themselves available for interviews with the media after each game. Failure to
do so may result in heavy fines for which the amount will be set by the Royal
Organizing Committed at the moment of infraction
- Players are required to observe
proper behaviour during games. Failure to do to do so may result in
heavy fines for which the amount will be set by the Organizing Committed
at the moment of infraction
- All other fines that the Organizing
Committee may think appropriate in order to get some lunch money
- Trophies and prizes will be
acquired based on players entry fees less money used by the Organizing
Committee to go to lunch while organizing this significant event.
personas expresaron su interés después de este email así que el siguiente paso
era decidir si hacia una competición individual o de dobles. A mí me emocionaba
la idea de dobles así que organice un formato basado en equipos por
departamentos de manera que se creara un poco de competición saludable y
decidir de una vez por todas cual es el departamento que más ayuda a la
empresa y cuáles son los departamentos que solo crean peso y arrastran a la
empresa hacia un pozo sin fondo del que nunca podrá salir. Envie el
siguiente email
From: Gian Puma
Sent: Monday, 20 April 2015 9:45 AM
To: Table Tennis Distribution List
Subject: FW: Table tennis tournament
Sent: Monday, 20 April 2015 9:45 AM
To: Table Tennis Distribution List
Subject: FW: Table tennis tournament
Hi Everyone
These is the list of people who want
to participate. We noticed that we almost have 2 people per department so We
thought we could turn this into a doubles competition where people could
compete for their department glory and something like the Most Important Minter
Ellison Department title.
The thing is that you wouldn't get to
pick your teammate, except for the law department who have 4 people so they can
swap. Also BD (my department) only has one player (I begged the girls to play
in order to defend the name and honour of our department, but they just looked
at me funny) so we'll have to borrow one from IT who has 3 players
What do you think? Does it sound like
a good idea or would you prefer to play one on one?
If you like the idea these are the
Table Tennis Tournament - Doubles
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*1 Not really BD, but after lengthy
discussions in our department was agreed to be made honorary
team member on the basis that he
helped us fix some email issue that we had a couple of months ago
*2 Still on the process of
convincing her to participate, but needed to complete the set
Desafortunadamente a la gente no le gustó
mucho la idea así que el formato quedo decidido en 1 contra 1
Hi Everyone
The people have spoken and general
consensus is to play a singles competition (also logistically easier)
Competition starts 2nd of
May, which gives everyone a week to honed your skills and prepare both
physically and mentally for what's to come.
Normal training routines recommended
for the next 2 weeks, in order to maximize your chances of winning a
competition such as this include:
· Running 15km a day
· Healthy eating (no meats, no cakes/chocolates, no
· 1hr talks with a certified table tennis sport
· 1 hr a day of watching table tennis competition
matches on YouTube to develop your tactical skills
· Hitting 1500 forehands and 1500 backhands a day
· 1 hr a day of meditation to become one with the
In the meantime I'll prepare a
schedule of play which I'll send to everyone soon
El siguiente paso era organizar el orden
de los juegos y si iba a ser tipo round robín o straight knock-out. Yo nunca había
organizado una de estas cosas antes hacía que no estaba familiarizado con los términos.
Hable con uno de los muchachos que se unió al torneo y el me paso el nombre de
una página donde puedes descargar los formatos
Hi Everyone
After hours of work The Royal Table
Tennis Tournament Committee has finalized the tournament format and order
of play.
The format is as follows:
Participants are separated into two main groups : the men branch
and the women branch
Each branch plays a Double Elimination tournament style
(explained below) to determine the champion of their corresponding branch (men's
champion and women's champion)
The two champions battle it out to determine who The
Ultimate-Undisputed-Grand-Slam-Table-Tennis-Master-Of-Minter-Ellison (the
winner) is.
How does a Double Elimination
Tournament Style works?
Glass-Half--Empty Definition: you have to lose at least twice to be disqualified
Glass-Half-Full Definition: you get at least two chances to win
How do I read the Tournament
Draws Diagram
The numbers to the left of the names (1 to 7) mean the seeding
position (explained below)
The number between each game is the game number (we want to have
the games in that order)
Each branch (Men and Women) has two brackets: the winner's
bracket and the loser's bracket. If you lose one game you move down to the
loser brackets and you get one more shot at winning the whole thing
The winners of the 12 game in each branch are the champions
and will play one last game to determine the winner
How were the seeds and order of
play determined?
Seeds and matchups were determined using
the names-in-a-hat methodology. The innocent hand belonged to Rabih Halabi who,
coincidently, draw the number 1 seed and got a BYE on the first round. You are
encouraged to contact Rabih if you didn't like your seeding place or if you
just want to know more about how he got the number 1 seed.
Prices and Entry Fee
The HR department has kindly offered to
cover the entry fee for all participants (yay!!!). Participation prizes will
also be awarded by the HR department. The "form" of this prizes will
be revealed at the end of the tournament.
Feel free to ask any questions
Después de aquí se me ocurrió establecer
algunas reglas
Hi everyone
The Royal ME Table Tennis Organizing
Committee thought that we may benefit for having some rules set in the
tournament so they set about making something up.
Here are the official Table Tennis
Tournament Rules approved by ample majority in the committee
Game Format
A match is made of 3 games of 11 points
each game
The one who gets to 2 games first, wins the
match and moves to the next round
Games Scheduling
We'll keep this very relaxed. Each round, I
send emails to the players that are going to compete and then you agree among
yourselves the best time to play. You don't have to organize the game on that
same day, but try not to take more than 3 days to play your game so that things
don't take too long
Keeping Score
I'll provide players with a template which
they'll fill out after finishing their games with information such as (winners
of each game, winner of match and points). After the game you can
email/fax/bring it to me and I'll update the tournament bracket
The rules of the games
In regards to the general rules of the game
(how to serve, how many serves, how to win, etc.), our speaker today will give
us a little overview on that
El "speaker" fue una persona que
administra un club de ping pong local que es conocido de la Gerente de Recursos
Humanos y que amablemente se ofreció a venir el día de la inauguración para
decir unas palabras. Gratis por supuesto. Es impresionante cuantas personas están
dispuestas a ofrecer su tiempo gratuitamente en Australia.
Hi Everyone
Here are the results for the first round. Congrats!
to the winners so far.
On the Women side Suzie has dominated the
game. She did throw some threats around at the Opening Ceremony so it was
On the men side we've got the following
first round winners: Andrew, Paul, Paul, Thomas.
To those of us who lost our first game, I
want to remind you that there's still chance as each branch championship is
played between the "Winner's Bracket" finalist and the "Loser's
Bracket" finalist (see the draw sheets), and NO I did NOT rigged the tournament
to make it work like this, as people have suggested, it was organized like that
from the very beginning J
Feel free to organize you second round
games when you have a chance
Desafortunadamente debido a las condiciones
del clima en la oficina donde está la mesa de ping pong yo perdí el primer
juego, pero ya que el formato del torneo se había hecho DESDE EL PRINCIPIO de
manera que permitiera a cada jugador un segundo chance, todavía quedaban
esperanzas. Después de un par de semana teniamos un finalista
We have our first finalist on the men's
side: PaulM which defeated Andrew this week. Both players had gone undefeated
before the match, but as there can only be one winner Paul emerged victorious.
See the draw for games played, results and next games to be played
We also have our first disqualification:
Me! I was faced with 2 very strong opponents, possibly professional level
players if you ask me, but I am not going to name names here as that's not what
this is about.
However, some players have expressed their
concern about how some of us got placed in very disadvantageous positions in
the draw which may have forced our early exits, and have suggested that we
should probably start over and consider all this practice, but as a fair
competitor I recognize my loss and bid you to continue the tournament (Unless a
big majority wants to start again or something in which case I'll do what the
majority wants of course) and determine our first Table Tennis Grand Slam
Champion J
Find attached the updated draws. Please
organise your games when convenient.
Good luck everyone! J J
PaulM fue el primer jugador en llegar a la
final y yo el primer descalificado, lo cual me hizo sospechar que quizás el
torneo fue arreglado. Después de un par de semanas Andrew tuvo una segunda
oportunidad de derrotar a PaulM en la final ya que logro derrotar a todos los
jugadores del "loser bracket", pero Paul volvió a ganar y se convirtió
en el primer
Who cares!
3 comentarios:
jajaja me encantó! una idea excelente, sin dudas me unía al torneo aunque tendría que desempolvar mi super master paleta de ping pong. Especialmente me mate de la risa con los mails que ibas enviando ;D
Todo esto me hace preguntarme, qué tal son los horarios de trabajo por allá? En algún momento entendí que es mucho menos de lo que estamos acostumbrados los latinos pero me parece que tampoco llega a la innovación de 6 horas al día que están probando en Suecia.
Sin ser un experto, tengo entendido que son un maximo de 38 horas a la semana, es decir, 7,5 horas al dia normalmente. El horario de entrada y salida al trabajo varia segun la empresa pero generalmente son un total de 8 o 8.5 horas dependiendo si te dan media hora o una hora para el almuerzo.
Me parece muy buena la pregunta con tu permiso me gustaria escribir una entrada acerca del tema con las distintas variaciones que he visto.
Uf! es todavía más de lo que pensé... Tenía la esperanza de que sea algo así como 7 o 7.5 horas por día incluyendo el horario de almuerzo.
De todas formas es mejor que el horario que tengo ahora, 10 horas por día incluyendo el almuerzo y por suerte no trabajo los sábados, en algunos casos es todo un logro eso... Justo el otro día alguien comentaba en el artículo que leí de Suecia que si te pones a pensar, lo común es salir entre las 6.30 y 7 de la mañana, volver aproximadamente a las 19 y tener alrededor de 3 horas o un poco más para ir al supermercado, hablar con familiares, cenar, ver la tele, saber algo sobre el mundo, etc. Con razón ando tan estresado jaja
Me parece que es excelente que escribas una entrada sobre eso, varias veces vi que la gente consulta sobre eso ya que se entiende que en Australia uno consigue una mejor calidad de vida.
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